Where do I sign up?
You can sign up either at a meeting or online at home here https://beascout.scouting.org/ and join us at the next meeting.
To get started feel free to join a meeting or send us a message with any questions. You are always welcome to come check out a meeting to see if it is a good fit for your scout prior to making a commitment! We want to make it as easy for you and your scout as possible to have a good experience.
You can also connect with us by shooting us a message on the Start My Adventure page listed under the Info heading.
Are there any fees involved?
Fees are broken down into two investments: national and local.
The national scout membership investement is $85 which helps cover enhanced background checks for leaders, improved information technology resources, trainings, activities, and expansion of the national group. If you would like to join as an adult volunteer or leader a yearly investment of $65 is the national requirement.
The local scout membership investment is $140. This investment goes directly to local pack maintenance and allows us to create new activities, imrpove available goals, and continue to engage in new acitvities for your scouts. It also includes your scout’s scout book, neckerchief, badges, and other items.
Occasionally, there may be additional costs for activities like overnight stays at the museum or camping trip fees. These will be discussed as we get closer to the events and are always optional involvement on behalf of your scout! We are happy to go over any questions about fees in further detail.
Where can I get my uniform and other accessories?
You can get your uniform and other desired accessories from your local scout shop. The closest shop to Barrington is located in Arlington Heights. It can be found here: https://pathwaytoadventure.org/scout-shop/. Additional stores can be found here on the site. Check out the info page for a discount on uniform purchases!
How can parents get involved?
Cub scouts is meant to be a family based activity where both parents and scouts are involved. We’d love to have parents join us and interact with their scouts at the monthly meeting and other activities. If you want to join us a parent volunteer on camping or other outdoor activities please feel free to check out the links below for BALOO training. You can also check out the Events section of the website for more detailed information related to the next available training coming up on October 4/5th.